1)     Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) – OECD
2013 – today και 2008 -2010.
National Project Manager.
Member of PISA Governing Board.

2)  Massive Open Online Courses and Greek trainees. (2014-15). Project funded by the Harokopion University. Investigating profiles of Greek trainees in MOOCs. Scientific Responsible

3)     Social school: Program to inform and train teachers, parents and pupils about health education (Co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources – Education and Lifelong Learning Program) (2014-2015)

4)     Electronic networking and continuing education services for graduates and members of the academic community and the general public. (Co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources – Education and Lifelong Learning Program) (2014-2015)

5) Joint MSc in Software Engineering/ TEMPUS- E.C.  (2012 – 2016 )

6) Awareness-raising activities of the educational community from the social partners, building on the experience of the teacher in the classroom, in Greece and internationally (2012-2015) , Institute of Pedagogical Studies and Research – Greek Federation of Teachers in Primary School (co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources – “Education and Lifelong Learning” Programme). Director of transnational partnerships

7) Open Digital Courses in Harokopio University (2012 – 2015 ) co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources.Scientific Director of the subproject ‘Information, sensitization and training of engineers and teachers’

8)   Expansion of higher education – Harokopio University (2007-2008) co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources. Science Project leader in sub-projects.

9)   Researches of Greek Centre of ΙΕΑ. Third International Mathematics and Science Study(ΤΙΜSS). (1996-1998) Principal Researcher. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). (1998-2004) Principal Research