1■ Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2011) Educational Performance Analysis (Case study: PISA2006), Athens: Ed. PAPAZISI [book]
2 ■Sofianopoulou, Ch., Emvalotis,A., Pitsia, V., Karakolidis, A. (2017) PISA 2015 National Report, Institute of Educational Policy, Athens
3 ■ Pitsia, V., Karakolidis, A., Emvalotis,A.,Sofianopoulou, Ch.(2017) Analysing performance in mathematics: the case of immigrant students,in the 11th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2017)
4 ■Spylka, M., Sofianopoulou Ch.(2016) Utilization of Digital Tools in Primary Education – Application to Health Education: “Mediterranean Diet”, in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference of HCICTE “ICT in Education”
5 ■ Goltsiou, A., Sofianopoulou, Ch.(2016) Fostering the digital literacy in primary school students, in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference of HCICTE “ICT in education“
6 ■ Sofianopoulou. Ch., Goltsiou, A. (2016) Implementation of wiki for the improvement of creative writing, in the 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2016)
7 ■ Spylka, M., Sofianopoulou Ch. (2016)E-learning, a dynamic tool for the cognitive development of primary school students, in the 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference,(INTED2016)
8 ■Goltsiou, A., Sofianopoulou, Ch., Emvalotis, A.(2016) The pedagogical use of wikis in web2.0: preliminary results of a research project with collaborative project in primary education, in the 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference,(INTED2016)
9 ■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Emvalotis, A. (2015) School activities, educational problems and students’ performance, Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair (to be approved), (presented at the conference ‘PISA – literacy – Vulnerable social groups’, 2015 Hellenic Open University)
10■ Emvalotis, A.,Sofianopoulou, Ch.,(2015) Information and Communication Technologies and Mathematics: Research findings of the International Programme for the Evaluation of Students (PISA) 2012, Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair (to be approved), (presented at the conference ‘PISA – literacy – Vulnerable social groups’, 2015 Hellenic Open University)
11■ Kamilali, D.,Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2015) Microlearning as innovative pedagogy for mobile learning in MOOCs, in the proceedings of 11thInternational Conference on Mobile Learning 2015 (Iadis)
12■ Rouziou, C., Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2014) Social Networking and media. The case of Higher Education, in the International Conference on Education and new Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 14)
13■ Koutlis, N., Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2014) The legacy of computer literacy project: the british CLP for the school, in the 80s, gave birth to the most successful microprocessor, in the International Conference on Education and new Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 14)
14■ Sofianopoulou Ch, Rouziou, C.(2014) Brain Drain and Online Geo-Social Network, in10th International Congress of the Hellenic Geographical Society– Special Session ‘‘“Migration processes, transnationalism and mobilities in Europe in time of crisis’
15■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V. (2013) Schools principals’ perceptions regarding factors related with students performancein International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2013)
16■ Kamilali, D., Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2013) Life Long Learning and web 2.0 microlearning and Self Directed Learning, in the International Conference on Education and new Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 13)
17■ Tzanakou, E., Sofianopoulou, Ch..(2013) Students’ interest in learning is improved using information and communications technology, in the International Conference on Education and new Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 13)
18■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V. (2012) Educational performance and digital skills, at the 8thPan-Hellenic Conference of HCICTE “ICT in Education”
19 ■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Kamilali, D.,(2012) Quality and lifelong learning: the development of autonomous learning through selfdirected,Proceedings of the International Conference, Quality in Education: Trends and Prospects , vol. B, 67-78, Athens
20■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V., (2012) Factors that differentiate the educational performance. A comparison of cluster and discriminant analysis, in the V European Congress of Methodology (ECM)
21■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V., (2012) Analysis of educational performance and geographical particularities, in the International Conference on Education and new Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 12)
22 ■ Tsadima, A. , Vassilopoulou, K., Kavakli, E., Sofianopoulou, Ch., (2012) Integrating media richness theroy and learning styles : a proposed theoretical framework in the International Conference on Education and new Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 12)
23■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V.,(2011)Development of digital skills in education στοInternational Conference on Education and new learning technologies (EDULEARN11)
24■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V., (2011)Information and Communication Technology and cross-national analysis of educational performance, στοInternational Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2011)
25■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V.,(2011) The contribution of Informatics in Education for the scientific examination, στοInternational Conference ICT for inclusive learning (Euracademy Association – The European Academy for Sustainable Rural Development)
26■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka,V., (2011) Analysis of educational performance and geographical particularities στοEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2011)
27■ Sofianopoulou, Ch.(editing) (2010). PISA 2006 Programme for International Student Assessment OECD – National Report PISA 2006). Education Research Centre (unpublished draft).
28■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V. (2010) Hierarchical Analysis of Socio-economic factors in relation to Science performance among Greek students. PISA 2006, in the Symposium Social Disparities in Educational Research, European Conference on Educational Research(ECER) 2010
29■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Bountziouka, V. (2010) Socio-economic effect in Greek students’ Science performance. PISA 2006, in the Symposium Towards explaining achievement: Findings from international comparative achievement studies, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2010
30■ Nikolaidou, M., Sofianopoulou, Ch., Alexopoulou, N., Abeliotis, K., Detsis, V., Chalkias, Ch., Lazaridi, K., Anagnostopoulos, D. (2010) ‘The Blended Learning Ecosystem of an Academic Institution in Greece’στοInternational Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT)
31■ Nikolaidou, M., Sofianopoulou, Ch., Giannopoulos, I. (2010) Assessing the Contribution of Lecture Video Service in the Hybrid Learning Ecosystem of Harokopio University of Athens, The Second International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid and online Learning, eL&mL (IARIA), ΙΕΕΕComputer Press
32■ Sofianopoulou, Ch(2010) ‘Political socialization of young people and Information and Communication Technologgies. A first approach’ (in greek), in MENTORAS (magazine of Scientific and Educational Researched), Athens: Pedagogical Institute
33■ Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2009) Possibility of equal opportunities in information and Knowledge society through education,in International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2009)
34 ■ Nikolaidou, M., Sofianopoulou, Ch., Alexopoulou, N., Abeliotis, K., Detsis, V., Chalkias, Ch., Lazaridi, K., Anagnostopoulos, D. (2009) Exploring a blended learning ecosystem in the academic environment, IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2009)
35■ Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2007) Ensuring the equality of access in Information and Knowledge Society in remote areas.(in greek) 5thMultidisciplinary Conference of the National Technical University (NTUA) and the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Centre (MIRC) of the NTUA.
36■ Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2005) ‘Study of the performance of students in Mathematics, spatially and in terms of gender’ (in greek) in MENTORAS (journal of Scientific and Educational Researched), Athens: Pedagogical Institute
37■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Ntelikou M., Boulamatsis, D. (2004) Educational – Teaching practices and achievement. ΠρακτικάσυνεδρίουThe 1stIEA International Research Conference (μεκριτές). ΠανεπιστήμιοΚύπρου.
38■ Sofianopoulou, Ch. (2004) Social and geographical analysis of the performance of students in Mathematics.PhD thesis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Faculty of Early Childhood Education
39■ Sofianopoulou, Ch., Basbas, C. (2003) Views and attitudes of students and their environment on Mathematics and their relation to performance.(in greek) 20thPan-hellenic Mathematical Education Conference Proceedings (with referees) Athens: Ε.Μ.Ε.
40■ Basbas, C., Sofianopoulou, Cr. (2002) Greece. Στο I. Mullis, M. Martin, A. Kennedy, C. Flaherty(Eds). PIRLS2001 Encyclopedia. International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College.